Vvidget Code Reference Manual

Vvidget Code > API > Mac OS X > Embedded

The following is a brief list of sections that explain the header files used while making an Mac OS X project.

ViewExplains the use of the VvidgetCodeView class. That is the view class that you add to your interface.
Dictionary ConstructorExplains the use of the VvidgetCodeDictionaryConstructor class. An instance of this class helps construct a dictionary state of a graph that displays in the VvidgetCodeView instance.
Dictionary ParserExplains the use of the VvidgetCodeDictionaryParser class. An instance of this class is used to translate a dictionary into "live" objects in the view hierarchy.
Event QualifiersExplains the use of the Event Qualifier classes and callback protocol. An instance of this class helps intercept specific mouse events and forward them to a callback object which implements the specified protocol.

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