Vvidget Code Reference Manual

Vvidget Code > API > iOS > Embedded > Dictionary Parser

The Dictionary Parser is defined by the VvidgetCodeDictionaryParser class. An instance of that class is used to aid in the construction of a dictionary which defines a graph.


Add the Dictionary Parser functionality to your project by adding all the headers in /Library/Vvidget/ios/include to your project and one of the libraries referenced below for a specific build Configuration.

Device Implementation:/Library/Vvidget/ios/lib/device/libVvidget.a
Simulator Implementation:/Library/Vvidget/ios/lib/simulator/libVvidget.a

Method Definitions

The following defines each method that is used with an object (instance) of the VvidgetCodeDictionaryParser type.

- (id)init

You will need to make at least one dictionary parser for your application. The following makes a dictionary parser:

VvidgetCodeDictionaryParser *parser;
parser = [[VvidgetCodeDictionaryParser alloc] init];

The newly constructed object is assigned to the symbol parser and that is the symbol you refer to in subsequent calling code.

- (void)VC_associate_with_view:(id)the_view

The parser translates a dictionary state to an object graph whose root is an element of the_view. This method associates this parser with the_view. the_view is an instance of class VvidgetCodeView. See View.

[parser VC_associate_with_view:my_view];

- (void)VC_update_using_dictionary_constructor:(VvidgetCodeDictionaryConstructor *)the_constructor

This method parses the_constructor to the view associated with the receiver. Once this method is called the dictionary state is mapped to a "live" object graph state and the view is ready for display and other interactions.

[parser VC_associate_with_view:my_view];

Before using this method you must have associated the receiver with a view.

- (void)dealloc

This method deallocates the parser.

Actual Use

The following is a complete calling sequence of a dictionary parser and makes graphical representation of constructor in graph_view.

parser = [[VvidgetCodeDictionaryParser alloc] init];

/* graph_view is typically an outlet set in a nib file. */

[parser VC_associate_with_view:graph_view];

/* ... Load the constructor here ... */

[parser VC_update_using_dictionary_constructor:constructor];

The parser associates a Dictionary Constructor with a Vvidget Code View object and causes the association to synchronize using the VC_update_using_dictionary_constructor method. Consult the Dictionary Constructor and View sections for the associated features.

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