Vvidget Code Reference Manual

Vvidget Code > Programming > Cocoa > Deploy

Once you develop an application based on the section Develop then you have a running application that requires no further work. However, if you want to deploy your application without needing to install other Vvidget material such as the VvidgetUser.pkg package then you need to embed Vvidget into your own application bundle. This section explains how to do that.

You can deploy Vvidget Code redistributables in a manner consistent with the Redistribution Agreement. The redistributable materials are located at "/Library/Vvidget/EmbeddedFrameworks" and that is what you need to include into your application bundle. The following explains how to do that. As VVI is entirely unaware of the type of applications you write, your market, users and all other aspects of your specific distribution the steps below are merely generic and not intended to be exhaustive, specific or recommended.

Embedded Frameworks Development

If you started your development using the Vvidget Embedded Frameworks, as in the Tutorial section, then skip to Adding Finishing Touches below.

Shared Frameworks Development

If you linked your project using the Vvidget Shared Frameworks, as explained in the Develop section, then Vvidget User will need to be installed on a computer prior to installing your application. If you do not like that dependency then use the following instructions to unlink the shared frameworks and link against the embedded frameworks. Within Xcode, follow these steps:

Shared Frameworks Deployment

If you do not want Vvidget within your own application then you can simply pre-install Vvidget User on target systems and then install your own application linked to the Vvidget Shared Frameworks. Although shared frameworks are the recommended way to use Frameworks in general, in practice embedding frameworks is considered more desirable albeit less elegant. If you are in control of your target computers, such as in a corporate environment with regulated deployment, then you might consider requiring Vvidget User preinstalled on your computers and using shared libraries. On the other hand, if your infrastructure is so regulated that your target computers do not have administrative privilege then the embedded frameworks is a legitimate means of deployment.


There are many variations while deploying an application that uses Vvidget and most of those are beyond the scope of this manual. But, for instance, you can place Vvidget within a loadable bundle and split your distribution so that your code is in a separate package than Vvidget. You can also add code to detect the presence of Vvidget before loading it. In that sense, your use of Vvidget would be like an adapter to a plug-in. There are technical as well as administrative reasons for choosing the exact deployment features and those reasons are outside the scope of this manual.

Adding Finishing Touches

To complete the deployment readiness of your application follow these steps.

After following the steps above, your application is ready to deploy.

Whichever way you choose to deploy, there are plenty of technical options at your disposal. Discussion of all those options are beyond the scope of this manual.

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