Vvidget Code Reference Manual

Vvidget Code > Programming > Cocoa > Develop

Typical Development

Developing an application that uses Vvidget is very simple. Link your application's project with the Vvidget Shared Frameworks:


located at /Library/Frameworks. Now your application has access to Vvidget and will load the necessary object code to make the graph view you included by following the instructions in Interface Builder Plugin.

Although it is simple and codeless, you probably want your graph to do something, such as retrieve data or animate. For that you need to write a handful of code. The API to Vvidget Code is dictionary based. You assign values to keys and enter that pair into the Vvidget system, as a dictionary entry, at the appropriate time (before you display a graph). Then Vvidget translates that dictionary you made into a graph as output. The following code fragment is an example of building the dictionary:

constructor = [EX_graph_view get_VC_input_string_constructor];
[constructor VC_append_key:"chart_type" string_value:@"line"];
[constructor VC_append_key:"chart_subtype" string_value:@"linear"];
[constructor VC_append_key:"chart_format_type" string_value:@"default"];
[constructor VC_append_key:"title" string_value:@"My Title"];
[constructor VC_append_key:"x_title" string_value:@"My X Title"];
[constructor VC_append_key:"y_title" string_value:@"My Y Title"];
[constructor VC_append_key:"data_1" string_value:@"1 5 2 6 3 7"];
[constructor VC_append_key:"line_color" string_value:@"0000FF"];

The best thing to do is to start with an Projects and modify that. To learn about keys see the Dictionary section. For a project describing the use of keys and values in a cookie-cutter fashion see the Illustration section.

If you want a comprehensive discussion on development then see the Tutorial section. That tutorial employs the Vvidget Embedded Frameworks so linking is described a little differently than what is described here.

Development Refinement

You can choose to limit the scope of Vvidget in your application in the following way:

By doing that, Vvidget state is redirected from your application to a shared graphing server running on your own computer. That server has the name Peer_Visual_Server and was installed when you installed the Vvidget User package. That has many desirable and undesirable effects. On the one hand, it prevents importing of almost all Vvidget symbols into your process space. It also causes your application to have a reduced footprint in terms of state processing and state memory. On the other hand, it causes your application to be dependent upon another process. That dependency may be acceptable, or even desirable, in a development situation, however it may not be desirable while deploying an application.


Once you develop an application you may want to deploy it to other people. For that see Deploy.

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